Oqtane 3.3.0 Released


By: Shaun Walker

The 3.3.0 release is primarily focused on flexibility, as the permissions system has been enhanced to support a new type of API permissions that provide developers with additional opportunities to create sophisticated modern web applications. This release also includes performance optimizations, enhancements to file management, and numerous user experience improvements including the addition of a new AutoComplete component.

The permissions system in Oqtane is an essential core service as it manages access control for the entire framework and extensions. As part of the the initial creation of Oqtane, certain administrative functions were identified as requiring more privileges and were therefore made available only to users in the Administrators role. Although this approach works well for many installations, there are scenarios in larger organizations where a more fine-grained approach is required for delegated administration. This release provides a number of core enhancements to support this capability including Dynamic Authorization Policies, API Permissions, and expansion of permissions definition in the IModule interface.

This release includes 51 pull requests by 3 different contributors, pushing the total number of project commits all-time over 3200. The Oqtane framework continues to evolve at a rapid pace to meet the needs of .NET developers. The 3.3.0 release is available for download on Github and is running in production at https://www.oqtane.org and https://www.blazorcms.net.

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